Polam Hall School and Sixth Form

Polam Hall is a Free School with boarding school in Darlington County Durham in the North East of England

Spring Term Week 7

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I predicted the second half of term would flash by in my piece before half term, and certainly the holiday itself and this week seem to have disappeared very quickly. Four more weeks and it will be Easter, I wonder how discussions are going on fixing the date of the Easter weekend? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/12102278/Easter-date-to-be-fixed-within-next-five-to-10-years.html

Parent Governor Elections

Today the papers are going out for the parent Governor election, so look out for those in pupils’ bags. 2 x ballot papers will be sent home in an envelope marked “important” with the eldest child in each family.  The reply envelopes containing the ballot papers must be returned to the Senior School Office by 12 noon on Friday 11th March. Parents of EEA boarding pupils will receive their ballot papers by email tonight or tomorrow morning. There are seven nominations which is really good news and I hope we will have a good percentage of parents who participate in the vote. Thanks to the parents putting themselves up for election and to everyone in anticipation of their participation in this important election.


In Tuesday’s Senior Reading we celebrated the achievements of the M5 (Y10) pupils who have participated in the Archbishop of York Young Leaders Award. Archbishop John Sentamu launched this award just a few years ago now with the motto “be the change you want to see” which is a saying of Ghandi and which is an appeal to young people to take responsibility for some aspect of the world around them. 30 members of the year group took part in the Award participated in a variety of community projects in and out of school. Leadership takes many forms as I said in my presentation, and the School is full of all sorts of leaders, at all sorts of levels and is something which anyone can experience with some initiative and a positive attitude towards affecting change.

On Wednesday Y2J did a lovely presentation on the Great Fire of London. After telling us about the key events of that fateful event they showed us the model street they had made out of card and then set fire to so they could all see how closely packed houses could so easily set each other alight in a chain reaction. What a great way of making that point, and all very safely done of course as the children pointed out. It was also good to see photographs of the children at the local fire station and to hear their health and safety tips about fire. Well done 2J and Mrs Johnson!

Sport round up

Earlier in the week Mr Wilkinson popped his head round my door to let me know that the U12 rugby team had come second to Carmel in the town tournament and as a consequence will progress through to the Tees Valley finals. Well done boys, lots of training ahead says Mr Wilkinson! A big well done to Mr Wilkinson too, a great achievement considering we only started admitting boys to the School in 2010. Boys, by the way, now amount to 40% of the school population, that’s about 256 boys, which is more than the total number of pupils we had in the school in the Autumn of 2013 when we announced the free school bid.

Today’s Junior cross country took place in relatively chilly conditions but the children coped well and as usual showed their strong house spirit, encouraging each other to win or to simply complete the course. Many thanks to the parents who turned up to support and to PHPA for serving the refreshments.


Last night the senior production of Confusions had its opening night and I have heard good reports. I shall be going to it tonight and I hope it is not as confusing as the title suggests it might be! I am told all will be clear by the end……


Careers Fair

Next week there is the careers fair on Saturday and I commend this to all pupils and their parents in years L5 to U6 (Y9-Y13). It is a great opportunity to meet professionals from a wide variety of businesses, professions and industries, as well as alternative post 16 providers and to ask questions in a friendly, relaxed environment. Many of the delegates are former pupils so they know Polam well and they happily give up their time to help and to advise their successors. The event starts at 10.00am and runs until 12.00 noon, it is very informal, please turn up at any time to suit your family arrangements, but don’t arrive too near the end as it won’t give the opportunity to speak to many delegates.


PHPA Easter Egg Hunt

Attention young explorers, grab your Easter basket and come on an egg-cellent adventure finding as many eggs as you can. To get the children all egg-cited for Easter we are having an egg-normous Family Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday 19th March. There will be a fun scavenger egg hunt with an eggy prize for every child, plus egg rolling and an Easter bonnet competition. Egg hunting starts at 11am with tea, coffee and cakes on sale. Entry is only £1 per person. Please pick up your tickets from Miss Yarrow so we can determine how many children will be taking part.





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